
Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm Officially Back!

I am officially open for business! I worked and worked and worked, and I'm finally finished unpacking all my business supplies and it feel great! It took 2 entire days to unpack, arrange and get everything set up, and none too soon. I had an inquiry the other day for a wholesale order, and I hate putting customers off. So I'm ready to make up a sample pack and send it off this week.

I have big plans for marketing, researching local shows and markets, and gearing up for the holidays. I think it's going to be great to be able to make my candles and fragrance products as a fulltime business, with no day job getting in the way.

I re-opened all three of my Etsy shops this evening: (jewelry and thread crochet, vintage jewelry), (soy candles and home fragrance) and (imported Bali beads and jewelry supplies). I still have to re-open my Artfire and 1000Markets shops. I also plan to heavily work with WeddingWire. I certainly have my work cut out for me.

Unpacking is going pretty well, but we are making arrangements with another moving company to transport all our stuff from storage in PA up here, hopefully within the week. Then it starts all over again. When we moved to NYC, we couldn't take everything with us, so we have a washer, dryer, freezer, more furniture, workshop, gardening tools, sleds, and who knows what else. So I'm not done yet!

As you can see, my studio has an entrance right off the driveway, so if I ever decide to make a shop open to the public or use it for consultations, I have the space and privacy.

I have an entire room for my studio now - it doesn't seem like a lot in the new studio, but it was crammed into my Manhattan apartment, inching us out of living space. So take a look now, it won't stay this way forever!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm finally unpacking my business

After cleaning up the debris from clearing the deck, I felt an overwhelming need to start unpacking my business supplies. It's a huge process, since this is going to be my fulltime business when I get organized. I need to search out local markets, craft fairs, wedding venues and local shops. This is what I'm faced with:

I worked throughout the evening until I was just too tired to do more. Tomorrow is another day!

We bought a landmark

This adorable little village I moved to boasts less than 1000 residents. So it stands to reason that everyone knows everything about everyone. I'm finding this out first hand. It started with the realtor, then the inspector, and now the neightbors we have met.

I went to the Post Office for the first time a few weeks before we moved so I could have any mail held until I got my mailbox up on the route. The clerk asked me if I bought the big blue house and I said, oh, you know it? She proceeded to tell me she lived 2 doors down and she was my neighbor!

The other night I was out getting my mail, and the kid who mowed my yard before I moved in stopped by on his 4-wheeler and introduced himself. He told me all about the family and said they had 2 daughters about his age and that he had spent a lot of time at the house. He also lives 2 doors down in the other direction. Yesterday, while eating lunch and watching the news, I heard a knock on the door, and it was our neighbors next door. We can't see them because of the woods, but they are very nice! They live here 6 months and in Florida the other 6 months in their camper.

The other day, someone pulled into the drive and asked if I wanted to keep the hot tub on the deck. Of course, he knew the previous owners who had told him the tub was being sold with the house, so he thought he would check. Obviously I want to keep it - my kids would skin me alive if I sold it! And besides, I'm envisioning a holiday party with all my family enjoying it this winter in the snow.

Anyways, the previous owners apparently were very wealthy by local standards and had big lavish parties. It's definitely a house for entertaining. Not only is there a huge deck with lights and hot tub, there is also a large picnic pavillion with 10 tables, chairs and umbrellas which were left with the house. It even has a commercial heater. There is so much electrical lights, speakers and sound system, it will take months to figure it all out.

In any case, the couple have divorced and I hear he is now very sick. Their business in town is for sale, and he's disappeared. They were apparently very well known in the area. I think we have a reputation to uphold. The wife lives nearby, and I'm sure she has driven by more than once to see if her old home is being tended to. I hope she's not upset that we cleaned up all the vines (very gothic looking) from the deck. Now that it's cleared, we plan to have it sanded and painted in a natural brown instead of the light grey. And we're keeping the grass mowed. Ah yes, we bought the Bianco house.

This is the before:

This is the deck now:

Obviously it needs some work, but we're making progress!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Worked on the vines today

I worked all morning cutting vines. They are pretty dead now after massive doses of weed killer last week. Here is what they looked like before:

Here is what my work accomplished today:

Some catching up to do!

I finally downloaded some of my moving pictures. The crew who moved us were terrific. The loaded the truck on Monday July 13 and delivered the goods on Tuesday. It took a lot less time on Tuesday, that's for sure.

First they moved everything out into the hallway before loading the elevator. Unfortunately there is only 1 elevator in the building and since it's small, they had to carry down the sofa and futon 7 flights of stairs..

The next day was perfect for moving - sunny, not too hot. The guys arrived around 9:30 am ready to work. They were in great spirits! The work was done in about 4 hours and they worked so hard! They carried every box and piece of furniture up the stairs - no elevator here folks!

Well, all I can say is, they did a great job and I'm grateful for all their hard work. It's been 1 week now and we're still unpacking. It's going to be awhile. We have more stuff in storage in PA that we're arranging to have shipped up here within the next week, so the whole process starts over again.

ps - my knees don't hurt as much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm finally moved and I'm tired

But getting better! I'm getting used to climbing stairs again since we didn't have any in our old apartment. That's the wierdest thing so far.

We were moved out on Monday July 13. The movers finished up around 2 pm and we finished cleaning up the apt and packing up the cats and plants. I picked up the rental car around lunchtime and luckily found a parking space right outside. We drove up to Whitney Point, stopping by KMart to pick up an air mattress to sleep on that night. We froze! It was so cold, we got up at 5:30 am. No blankets or warm clothes. Who knew? So the movers arrived about 9:30 am and like an assembly line, hauled everything into the house. They were done in about 4 hours this time and were absolutely amazing as a team.

Now for the mess. We have 50 book boxes, numerous larger boxes, 5 dishpacks and 2 wardrobes. Not to mention all the furniture and my business supplies. We cannot believe all this stuff was in our Manhattan apartement! It's almost like it's exploded! We do have 2 entire rooms that are empty, which is good. We're trying to arrange movers to pack up and move everything we still have in storage in Chambersburg PA up here. Washer, dryner, freezer, treadmill, shop tools including a table saw, garden equipment, more furniture and beds, tons of boxes of stuff...

I think we're starting to see the light of day though. The kitchen is almost unpacked, the living room is mostly set up and hopefully I can look forward to unpacking my business next week and opening up shop again.

Tomorrow we'll finish unpacking the kitchen then go major grocery shopping. I'm tired of fast food and frozen dinners. I've lots of pictures to share, so I'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's finally come to pass

work, that is. I'm done! Today was an amazing day, rushing around, cleaning up my files, putting the final touches on my desk before I walk out for the last time. Regrets? none. Sadness? never. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing all day. Kinda giddy in fact.

My co-workers planned a luncheon party at the 2 Rivers Restaurant on Murray St. Very nice, great appetizers and food. I thought I was going to explode! I can't say enough about all my good "work" friends - they are like family.

I continued my day with a cup of iced coffee and sat in City Hall Park for awhile until it was time to meet a friend at 3:30. I haven't been to Times Square in ages, and it was nuts. No wonder I rarely go there anymore. We spent some time catching up on news, then I walked down to meet another friend at Rudy's on 44th and 9th. A classic dive bar. Had a few beers, then finally headed home.

I had to make a reservation to rent a car for a month because the internet is going down tomorrow morning for about a week, so you won't see me around until it's back up. I'll Tweet and update Facebook from my phone until then.

Tomorrow will be spent finishing up packing. The movers will be here first thing Monday morning. I am exhausted right now. I need a good night's rest to get ready for the weekend.

I'll be back sometime next week. Thanks to all my friends and co-workers for their good wishes. They are treasured.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Last Day Tomorrow

Well, it's finally here. Tomorrow is my final day at work. I'll party with my office friends, then go off to meet other friends throughout the day. I promise I won't get teary-eyed. The end of a chapter, my work life, is over, but I rarely look back. I would go crazy if I did. I've got so much to look forward to - fulltime business, shows, wedding orders, and internet sales. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to retire in my mid-50s when I'm still active and able to pursue my many varied interests.
Someone mentioned to me the other day how my life has been so well-planned and organized. When I look back, I realized it's kind of true. When I first decided to move to NYC in 2000 so Carla could pursue her education in music and acting, events just clicked right along. I took us nearly a year to get here with only a slight pause after 9/11. My plan was to see her through college, then move on. Well, she has, and I am. Timing is perfect with the housing market and low interest rates. In the past 10 years, money manages to fall into my lap when I need it the most. Funny how fortunate I've been.
This morning I took my camera along and took pictures all the way to work, until it died, that is. I wanted to remember walking to the train, the visions I see when I get off, and my daily walk through downtown Manhattan to the Federal Building where I work. Who does that?? After 7 years living here, I am still in awe of the city. I never tired of it and there will be times I will most certainly miss the hustle and bustle. It will be nice to visit since Carla will still be here going to grad school at Juilliard. I plan to be here for every performance and recital. I may also return to do large craft shows to sell candles and fragrance products. It all depends on the upstate scene.

So how unique is it to see the Empire State Building everyone morning as soon as you get off the train? It's still impressive to me. How I will miss this.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Oh I have to go back to work tomorrow

So this is the 4th day of packing for the Big Move. Got up early this morning, had 2 cups of java and was raring to go. I took down 2 wheely cartfuls of stuff I'm getting rid of plus some posters and pictures. I'm sure they're gone by now.

I can't believe I have to go to work tomorrow. But I have a lot to do there, getting ready to retire. I want to finish up a few cases I have left, pack and ship out my personal belongings, then just drift away the rest of the week. My personnel folder has been retrieved and I'm ready to submit my retirement paperwork.

I've always looked forward to moving. The months before I moved to NYC I thought I would jump out of my skin in anticipation. This time is different. I'm not only moving to my dream house, I'm also entering into the final phase of my life, quitting my job and living by my schedule and no one else's. I will rise early to greet the day, not because I have to, but because I want to. Each new day will present its challenges. If I get snowed in, I won't care. I'll eat beans if I have to.

Anyways, here are some updated pics of my packing accomplishments today. I also did major paperwork, paid bills, and took care of some orders that need to be shipped out this week.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Another day, another box, or 2

I was up early this morning. Packing all day, but I went out to get a pack of hot dogs and buns to celebrate the holiday. Then after a fresh cup of coffee, back to work. I packed an entire box of yarn - odd cones for my knitting machine and skeins for scarves, hats and whatever. I also took two wheely carts of stuff down to the trash room and it disappeared immediately. I have another cart full of patterns, yarn, posters and shoes to take down tomorrow.

I feel as if I have to get everything done this weekend, but in fact I have next weekend to finish up packing last minute items. We also need to take down the 4 ceiling fans we put up when we moved here. I need to stop by EtsyLabs on Monday to pack up the knitting machine I lent to them for the long term until I want it back. What a pain in the butt. I have no car, so I'll have to hire a car service to drive me back with it.

Well, off to sleep soon, up early again tomorrow. Busy day and busy week ahead. Soon it will be all over, no rush, not deadlines to finish before going back to work, day job that is... Once this next week is over and the move complete, I can work at my own pace. First think, kill those vines before they take over my house!