Well, what a person to do? My daughter is going to Boston this weekend to sing at a friend's recital, so of course, she needed a thank-you gift for her mother. And she always comes to me for an assortment of candles all wrapped up pretty with a bow. I can't blame her. I kind of give her the run of my box, letting her pick out whatever she wants.
I worked most of the day making tins and tea lights for the Brooklyn Flea this Sunday. I also have a couple wedding orders on the front burner. One of them is for 120 votives which I am taking to the Brooklyn Flea this weekend to deliver. At least my load will be a lot lighter when I return home!
Doing a craft show in New York City can be a challenge, expecially if you don't have a car. I started out with a rolling suitcase, but soon abandoned that in favor of a hand-truck and plastic bins with lids. Candles can be awefully heavy, so I've tried to lighten the load and eliminate jars and votives. I find that travel tins sell especially well, so I take lots of them and boxed tea lights which also do well. I try and take a sampling of other candles and encourage people to contact me for custom orders which I will make up and bring the next time I'm at the Flea.
The real challenge is travelling to Brooklyn from upper Manhattan. I start off around 6:30 am and wheel my truck up to 168th St subway stop. There's not many people out and about that early in the morning, so I gently bump by cart down the steps. There's an elevator down to the platform, so that's helpful when it's working. When I finally get to the Brooklyn stop, usually around 8:00 am, the real work starts. It's much harder pulling my hand-cart up the gazillion steps to the street, but sometimes I get lucky, and some nice strong guy will take pity on me and help me carry it up to the street. I never turn down an offer. Returning home is usually easier if I've had a good day. The more often I do the Flea, the easier it gets. I might start looking at other shows to do in the future. I could actually get used to this! Not only is this a chance to sell my products, but I get to meet the nicest people!
I'm at the Brooklyn Flea
http://brownstoner.com/brooklynflea/on June 1 and 15th. I'm with the NewNew group
http://thenewnew.blogspot.com/ which has a permanent spot every Sunday. We are a great group of crafters and artists, so stop by and say hello!