
Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm finally moved and I'm tired

But getting better! I'm getting used to climbing stairs again since we didn't have any in our old apartment. That's the wierdest thing so far.

We were moved out on Monday July 13. The movers finished up around 2 pm and we finished cleaning up the apt and packing up the cats and plants. I picked up the rental car around lunchtime and luckily found a parking space right outside. We drove up to Whitney Point, stopping by KMart to pick up an air mattress to sleep on that night. We froze! It was so cold, we got up at 5:30 am. No blankets or warm clothes. Who knew? So the movers arrived about 9:30 am and like an assembly line, hauled everything into the house. They were done in about 4 hours this time and were absolutely amazing as a team.

Now for the mess. We have 50 book boxes, numerous larger boxes, 5 dishpacks and 2 wardrobes. Not to mention all the furniture and my business supplies. We cannot believe all this stuff was in our Manhattan apartement! It's almost like it's exploded! We do have 2 entire rooms that are empty, which is good. We're trying to arrange movers to pack up and move everything we still have in storage in Chambersburg PA up here. Washer, dryner, freezer, treadmill, shop tools including a table saw, garden equipment, more furniture and beds, tons of boxes of stuff...

I think we're starting to see the light of day though. The kitchen is almost unpacked, the living room is mostly set up and hopefully I can look forward to unpacking my business next week and opening up shop again.

Tomorrow we'll finish unpacking the kitchen then go major grocery shopping. I'm tired of fast food and frozen dinners. I've lots of pictures to share, so I'll keep you posted.


Curtis Collectables :) said...

Mmhmm. If you have a Target near you I suggest the Asiago Cheese Sundried Tomato bread. A piece of that with some turkey and a yogurt. Best lunch ever.

Jess // CLineCreations said...

Sounds like you've got your hands full! Hope the rest of your unpacking goes smoothly.. and the search for fresh food!