
Showing posts with label retirement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retirement. Show all posts

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A little catching up to do

As they say, feast or famine, and it's been a feast the last few weeks.  Labor day was barely over when I started receiving wedding orders.  Everyone is getting married in October!   I've completed 2 orders and the last one is almost finished and should ship out this Saturday. 

At the last minute, I also received a call from a repeat wholesale customer for a rush order for the Atlantic Antic show  I participated in this show last year, and although I won't be there this year, my candles will be.  They will have someone else's name on them, but my old logo, so if you see something that looks vaguely familiar, you'll know why!  So to all my NY crafty friends, I'll be there in spirit. 

Life is going on.  I finally unpacked my boxes from work the other day.  They've been sitting in the closet since July, so I decided it was time to see my former work life again. Actually, I needed sheet protectors and post-it notes, but let's be a little more dramatic here.....It was kinda sad... 32 years of my life in 3 boxes.  Pretty pathic, huh.  The mementos I keep are usually small, some stones, small gifts, a few pictures.  My cube was pretty spare.  Oh sure, I have boxes of documents, stacks of awards, ancient paystubs (I wonder how I survived on that paycheck?) but I shredded stacks and stacks of papers before I left.  I've moved around so many times, that I never took anything I didn't need.  So this stuff is still sitting right where I left it.  One of these days, I'll put it away somewhere, maybe when I'm snowed in.  

Today had its moments. We finally had our new hot tub delivered.  For some background, when we bought this house, it had a hot tub, a super top of the line hot tub.  Unfortunately, the previous owners left last summer and they didn't winterize it, so it developed a small leak and one of the filter pumps was frozen.  Over Labor Day, we had a houseful of kids, and it was disappointing they couldn't use it, so since the deck is customized and built around the spa, we decided to buy a new one instead of getting this one fixed.  The spa is situated on a raised deck, about 5' off the driveway, so it took 4 guys and a forklift to get the old one down and the new one up.  It was pretty amazing to see these guys working in the drizzling rain.  It's all set, as soon as we install another supporting post underneath the deck and get the electical situated.  So come snow and freezing cold, you know where I'll be.  A few candles, of course,  to light the way, boots and a warm wrap, I'll be basking in the next snowstorm. 

Replacing the spa was a secret from my kids, so I posted the pictures on my FaceBook page, waiting to see who would see them first.  My daughter in Philly saw them first and said she almost had a seizure.  My other daughter in NYC heard about it from her sister, so they're both ecstatic.  Our family does surprises, and I could tell you a few stories! 

So there you have it, a little update on my life and times.  Tomorrow is shopping, Lowes and working in my studio.  Some day, when it's pristine, I'll post some pictures of how it should look.  Right now, it's a private haven for me to work, create and contemplate.  It's my life, and I like it. 

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's finally come to pass

work, that is. I'm done! Today was an amazing day, rushing around, cleaning up my files, putting the final touches on my desk before I walk out for the last time. Regrets? none. Sadness? never. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing all day. Kinda giddy in fact.

My co-workers planned a luncheon party at the 2 Rivers Restaurant on Murray St. Very nice, great appetizers and food. I thought I was going to explode! I can't say enough about all my good "work" friends - they are like family.

I continued my day with a cup of iced coffee and sat in City Hall Park for awhile until it was time to meet a friend at 3:30. I haven't been to Times Square in ages, and it was nuts. No wonder I rarely go there anymore. We spent some time catching up on news, then I walked down to meet another friend at Rudy's on 44th and 9th. A classic dive bar. Had a few beers, then finally headed home.

I had to make a reservation to rent a car for a month because the internet is going down tomorrow morning for about a week, so you won't see me around until it's back up. I'll Tweet and update Facebook from my phone until then.

Tomorrow will be spent finishing up packing. The movers will be here first thing Monday morning. I am exhausted right now. I need a good night's rest to get ready for the weekend.

I'll be back sometime next week. Thanks to all my friends and co-workers for their good wishes. They are treasured.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Last Day Tomorrow

Well, it's finally here. Tomorrow is my final day at work. I'll party with my office friends, then go off to meet other friends throughout the day. I promise I won't get teary-eyed. The end of a chapter, my work life, is over, but I rarely look back. I would go crazy if I did. I've got so much to look forward to - fulltime business, shows, wedding orders, and internet sales. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to retire in my mid-50s when I'm still active and able to pursue my many varied interests.
Someone mentioned to me the other day how my life has been so well-planned and organized. When I look back, I realized it's kind of true. When I first decided to move to NYC in 2000 so Carla could pursue her education in music and acting, events just clicked right along. I took us nearly a year to get here with only a slight pause after 9/11. My plan was to see her through college, then move on. Well, she has, and I am. Timing is perfect with the housing market and low interest rates. In the past 10 years, money manages to fall into my lap when I need it the most. Funny how fortunate I've been.
This morning I took my camera along and took pictures all the way to work, until it died, that is. I wanted to remember walking to the train, the visions I see when I get off, and my daily walk through downtown Manhattan to the Federal Building where I work. Who does that?? After 7 years living here, I am still in awe of the city. I never tired of it and there will be times I will most certainly miss the hustle and bustle. It will be nice to visit since Carla will still be here going to grad school at Juilliard. I plan to be here for every performance and recital. I may also return to do large craft shows to sell candles and fragrance products. It all depends on the upstate scene.

So how unique is it to see the Empire State Building everyone morning as soon as you get off the train? It's still impressive to me. How I will miss this.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Oh I have to go back to work tomorrow

So this is the 4th day of packing for the Big Move. Got up early this morning, had 2 cups of java and was raring to go. I took down 2 wheely cartfuls of stuff I'm getting rid of plus some posters and pictures. I'm sure they're gone by now.

I can't believe I have to go to work tomorrow. But I have a lot to do there, getting ready to retire. I want to finish up a few cases I have left, pack and ship out my personal belongings, then just drift away the rest of the week. My personnel folder has been retrieved and I'm ready to submit my retirement paperwork.

I've always looked forward to moving. The months before I moved to NYC I thought I would jump out of my skin in anticipation. This time is different. I'm not only moving to my dream house, I'm also entering into the final phase of my life, quitting my job and living by my schedule and no one else's. I will rise early to greet the day, not because I have to, but because I want to. Each new day will present its challenges. If I get snowed in, I won't care. I'll eat beans if I have to.

Anyways, here are some updated pics of my packing accomplishments today. I also did major paperwork, paid bills, and took care of some orders that need to be shipped out this week.

Friday, July 03, 2009


So I have a long weekend and started packing yesterday. The boxes arrived on Wednesday and already I can see I will need quite a few more. We have pretty much finished the living and dining rooms and the kitchen. I just started in my bedroom packing fabric and yarn, but just ran out of steam. It seems like we pack and pack and pack some more, and not make any progress!
I'm using my wheely cart to load up and take downstairs. In our building, anything you put down by the elevator disappears in minutes! The other day I took down a big bag of paperbacks. Today I took down fabric, clothes, shoes, books, dried stuff.. and I bet it's gone already.

This morning I also washed every curtain and drapery in the house and took down the hardware. I don't know if I can use it all in my new place, but it's possible I can use some of it.

I am tired. I have 2 more days to pack before I start my final week at work. I have lots of last minute tasks to do there, such as file my claim for retirement! I have the paperwork done, just have to turn it in. I need to pack up my personal belongings and ship it home, shred shred and more shredding, and throw out extraneous files and instructions. I also want to clear up any cases I have left so I don't leave any behind for someone else to deal with.

So I will play around here for a little while, then off to bed early to get ready for another fun-filled day tomorrow!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's Happening

So it looks like I'm leaving NYC after all. After months of anguish, the house I bid on is finally coming to a close on Tuesday June 30. It's been one hassle after another, with the poorest communication I've ever had with the bank. Every time I called for status, I was told they needed something else. They never called me to keep me updated on what evidence was required - it was always a result of me calling them. I'm not going into detail, but we had to put the mortgage in my name only, needed a water test 1 day after the last one expired, more bank statements, no commitment letter... You get the picture. Although the market is at its lowest in years, financing is extremely tight. But above all, we prevailed, and the house of our dreams will be ours in 3 days.

I'm looking forward to waking up and deciding my plan for the day. One day, I might wake up and say I want to sew, another work in the garden or yard, or make candles for a wedding order. And if I get snowed in during winter, I won't care. As long as the propane tank is full, I can wait out any storm. I can hunker down and peruse seed catalogs for the spring, read mysteries, crochet, or just take the day off and putter around in the kitchen. Although my main business is soy candles and home fragrance, I'd like to set up a new torch and re-acquaint myself with lampwork beadmaking too.

I have a feeling I'm going to be busier than I've ever been. I want to wake up early each day and on warm days take my first cup of coffee out on the balcony off my bedroom and breath in the fresh country air as I plan my day. I want to smell the scent of fresh cut grass, something I haven't smelled in the years I've live in Manhattan. I want to listen to the silence. No noisy cars and car alarms, loud music, fire sirens, parties in the building......just silence of the country. Birds, breezes..

Will I still have enough time to fulfill all my dreams? Probably not. But I'm going to try.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things, they are a-changin'

I'm about to set off on a new adventure sooner than I thought: retirement. We've found a house in Whitney Point NY which fits our needs perfectly. Big spacious contemporary house with all the amenities I could ever want on 2 acres, half wooded.

The living room is a huge vaulted room with an entire peaked wall of windows facing a humongous deck with flower pots, benches and a hot tub. There are 4 bedrooms, some with decks. An awesome Italian kitchen with a commercial stove with 6 burners, 2 ovens and grill, and cabinets I will never fill. The counter tops are a dark gorgeous mottled marble. The floors are all marble, ceramic and hardwood. And there's a sauna.

I can't wait to lounge on the deck in the cool summer evenings, sitting in the hot tub with a cocktail, listening to the noises of the country above the gurgling of the tub.

During the day, I will tend to my garden. I'll have vegetables galore that I will can in the fall, and flowers littering the yard everywhere you look. There's a pond in the back yard that I will perhaps make into a koi or lily pond. Maybe I'll even add some goldfish or a turtle or 2.

In the fall, I will rake the riot of leaves and put up food from my garden for the winter. We'll stack wood for the fires we will have in the wood stove to heat the house when the wind chills the air outside. We will be cozy.

In the winter, I will sit at my knitting machines and make scarves, hats and sweaters. I will sew to my heart's content. I'll make my candles to build up my inventory for the craft shows I will sell at in the spring. Maybe I'll get my torch up and running and start making lampwork beads again. I'll read a lot and watch the snow outside on the deck. I'll run out to the heated hot tub to bask in the invigorating winter air.

In early spring, I'll set up a planting station to start my seedlings for the garden. And start the cycle all over again.

Ahhh, retirement.