
Showing posts with label retiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retiring. Show all posts

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Another day, another box, or 2

I was up early this morning. Packing all day, but I went out to get a pack of hot dogs and buns to celebrate the holiday. Then after a fresh cup of coffee, back to work. I packed an entire box of yarn - odd cones for my knitting machine and skeins for scarves, hats and whatever. I also took two wheely carts of stuff down to the trash room and it disappeared immediately. I have another cart full of patterns, yarn, posters and shoes to take down tomorrow.

I feel as if I have to get everything done this weekend, but in fact I have next weekend to finish up packing last minute items. We also need to take down the 4 ceiling fans we put up when we moved here. I need to stop by EtsyLabs on Monday to pack up the knitting machine I lent to them for the long term until I want it back. What a pain in the butt. I have no car, so I'll have to hire a car service to drive me back with it.

Well, off to sleep soon, up early again tomorrow. Busy day and busy week ahead. Soon it will be all over, no rush, not deadlines to finish before going back to work, day job that is... Once this next week is over and the move complete, I can work at my own pace. First think, kill those vines before they take over my house!