This adorable little village I moved to boasts less than 1000 residents. So it stands to reason that everyone knows everything about everyone. I'm finding this out first hand. It started with the realtor, then the inspector, and now the neightbors we have met.
I went to the Post Office for the first time a few weeks before we moved so I could have any mail held until I got my mailbox up on the route. The clerk asked me if I bought the big blue house and I said, oh, you know it? She proceeded to tell me she lived 2 doors down and she was my neighbor!
The other night I was out getting my mail, and the kid who mowed my yard before I moved in stopped by on his 4-wheeler and introduced himself. He told me all about the family and said they had 2 daughters about his age and that he had spent a lot of time at the house. He also lives 2 doors down in the other direction. Yesterday, while eating lunch and watching the news, I heard a knock on the door, and it was our neighbors next door. We can't see them because of the woods, but they are very nice! They live here 6 months and in Florida the other 6 months in their camper.
The other day, someone pulled into the drive and asked if I wanted to keep the hot tub on the deck. Of course, he knew the previous owners who had told him the tub was being sold with the house, so he thought he would check. Obviously I want to keep it - my kids would skin me alive if I sold it! And besides, I'm envisioning a holiday party with all my family enjoying it this winter in the snow.
Anyways, the previous owners apparently were very wealthy by local standards and had big lavish parties. It's definitely a house for entertaining. Not only is there a huge deck with lights and hot tub, there is also a large picnic pavillion with 10 tables, chairs and umbrellas which were left with the house. It even has a commercial heater. There is so much electrical lights, speakers and sound system, it will take months to figure it all out.
In any case, the couple have divorced and I hear he is now very sick. Their business in town is for sale, and he's disappeared. They were apparently very well known in the area. I think we have a reputation to uphold. The wife lives nearby, and I'm sure she has driven by more than once to see if her old home is being tended to. I hope she's not upset that we cleaned up all the vines (very gothic looking) from the deck. Now that it's cleared, we plan to have it sanded and painted in a natural brown instead of the light grey. And we're keeping the grass mowed. Ah yes, we bought the Bianco house.
This is the before:

This is the deck now:

Obviously it needs some work, but we're making progress!