
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Monday, November 01, 2010

Crazy week and the Pumpkin Festival in Norwich NY

Last week was insanely busy!  I finished an order for a customer who drove up here to pick up her order on Thursday.  Her husband and 2 adorable dogs came with her and they were a joy!  We had a wonderful meal, then relaxed in the hot tub, and they left first thing Friday morning for NYC with probably close to 300 lbs of candles. 

As soon as they left, I started loading the car for the Norwich Pumpkin Festival. 

The show was held in Norwich NY Friday 10/29 through Saturday 10/30.  Friday was set-up starting at noon, so I got there around 12:30.  As I was driving out of my driveway, I saw my street lamp had been knocked over, presumably by the landscapers who mowed my lawn that morning.  

Maybe I should have taken that as an omen, because it was rainy and blustery all afternoon as I tried my best to set up my tent and display on the street.   Both coats I had taken got wet as well as my feet.  I actually went to my car, took off my shoes and socks and sorta dried them out with the heater going full blast.   I finally got set up, but since I was on the street, the back was a lake, so I set my chair on the side. 

Saturday was Much nicer!  A brisk fall day, but no rain.  I was prepared with my winter coat, extra socks and shoes and my insulated and waterproof Timberlands which are 30 years old and have never let me down. 

So on to the pumpkins.  They were all lit and at night they were just amazing. 

Dog custumes!  They were the best.

 And scarecrow competition.

It was a great festival!  Even if it wasn't all handmade. 

I'll probably be back next year.  See you then!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's Happening

So it looks like I'm leaving NYC after all. After months of anguish, the house I bid on is finally coming to a close on Tuesday June 30. It's been one hassle after another, with the poorest communication I've ever had with the bank. Every time I called for status, I was told they needed something else. They never called me to keep me updated on what evidence was required - it was always a result of me calling them. I'm not going into detail, but we had to put the mortgage in my name only, needed a water test 1 day after the last one expired, more bank statements, no commitment letter... You get the picture. Although the market is at its lowest in years, financing is extremely tight. But above all, we prevailed, and the house of our dreams will be ours in 3 days.

I'm looking forward to waking up and deciding my plan for the day. One day, I might wake up and say I want to sew, another work in the garden or yard, or make candles for a wedding order. And if I get snowed in during winter, I won't care. As long as the propane tank is full, I can wait out any storm. I can hunker down and peruse seed catalogs for the spring, read mysteries, crochet, or just take the day off and putter around in the kitchen. Although my main business is soy candles and home fragrance, I'd like to set up a new torch and re-acquaint myself with lampwork beadmaking too.

I have a feeling I'm going to be busier than I've ever been. I want to wake up early each day and on warm days take my first cup of coffee out on the balcony off my bedroom and breath in the fresh country air as I plan my day. I want to smell the scent of fresh cut grass, something I haven't smelled in the years I've live in Manhattan. I want to listen to the silence. No noisy cars and car alarms, loud music, fire sirens, parties in the building......just silence of the country. Birds, breezes..

Will I still have enough time to fulfill all my dreams? Probably not. But I'm going to try.