
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A little catching up to do

As they say, feast or famine, and it's been a feast the last few weeks.  Labor day was barely over when I started receiving wedding orders.  Everyone is getting married in October!   I've completed 2 orders and the last one is almost finished and should ship out this Saturday. 

At the last minute, I also received a call from a repeat wholesale customer for a rush order for the Atlantic Antic show  I participated in this show last year, and although I won't be there this year, my candles will be.  They will have someone else's name on them, but my old logo, so if you see something that looks vaguely familiar, you'll know why!  So to all my NY crafty friends, I'll be there in spirit. 

Life is going on.  I finally unpacked my boxes from work the other day.  They've been sitting in the closet since July, so I decided it was time to see my former work life again. Actually, I needed sheet protectors and post-it notes, but let's be a little more dramatic here.....It was kinda sad... 32 years of my life in 3 boxes.  Pretty pathic, huh.  The mementos I keep are usually small, some stones, small gifts, a few pictures.  My cube was pretty spare.  Oh sure, I have boxes of documents, stacks of awards, ancient paystubs (I wonder how I survived on that paycheck?) but I shredded stacks and stacks of papers before I left.  I've moved around so many times, that I never took anything I didn't need.  So this stuff is still sitting right where I left it.  One of these days, I'll put it away somewhere, maybe when I'm snowed in.  

Today had its moments. We finally had our new hot tub delivered.  For some background, when we bought this house, it had a hot tub, a super top of the line hot tub.  Unfortunately, the previous owners left last summer and they didn't winterize it, so it developed a small leak and one of the filter pumps was frozen.  Over Labor Day, we had a houseful of kids, and it was disappointing they couldn't use it, so since the deck is customized and built around the spa, we decided to buy a new one instead of getting this one fixed.  The spa is situated on a raised deck, about 5' off the driveway, so it took 4 guys and a forklift to get the old one down and the new one up.  It was pretty amazing to see these guys working in the drizzling rain.  It's all set, as soon as we install another supporting post underneath the deck and get the electical situated.  So come snow and freezing cold, you know where I'll be.  A few candles, of course,  to light the way, boots and a warm wrap, I'll be basking in the next snowstorm. 

Replacing the spa was a secret from my kids, so I posted the pictures on my FaceBook page, waiting to see who would see them first.  My daughter in Philly saw them first and said she almost had a seizure.  My other daughter in NYC heard about it from her sister, so they're both ecstatic.  Our family does surprises, and I could tell you a few stories! 

So there you have it, a little update on my life and times.  Tomorrow is shopping, Lowes and working in my studio.  Some day, when it's pristine, I'll post some pictures of how it should look.  Right now, it's a private haven for me to work, create and contemplate.  It's my life, and I like it. 

Monday, May 26, 2008

I have been off work since last Wednesday, and this long weekend just flew by so fast. The weather has been gorgeous, and luckily I got out and about yesterday with my daughter, who has her own apt just 2 blocks away. We took the bus up to Ft Tryon Park in upper Manhattan where the Cloisters is located. The park is just lovely, especially this time of the year. The flowers and gardens were absolutely gorgeous, and made me realize how much I miss the country. There were a lot of people out and about, but not so crowded as Central Park. Fortunately, a lot of people think the upper reaches of Manhattan is a no-man's land, which is fine with us. We don't want everyone discovering how beautiful it is up here. We walked around, took some pictures, then walked down a few blocks and had lunch on the back patio of Bleu Evolution, a cozy little restaurant in Inwood. We had a few glasses of wine, chatted it up, then decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. So, we ended up walking from 191st St to 160th on Broadway and had an absolutely fantastic time.

So the rest of the weekend, I've been making candles like crazy every day. I'm filling some large orders, plus trying to make inventory for next Sunday. I vend at the Brooklyn Flea about twice a month, and I don't have a lot to sell right now. I sell with a group of people who live in the NYC area and who also sell on

I recently tweaked my website also this weekend, trying to make it more inviting. I tell ya, this business is starting to take over my life, which is good! So much so, I'm considering retiring from my day job next year.
This weekend made me realize more than ever, I need to put down my work and get out and enjoy living in the city.