
Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am finally finished making tins for the Broome Co Fair

Honestly, I have been working 12 hour days since supplies started rolling in on Wednesday.  I ordered 32 dozens 6 oz travel tins, my best sellers, and have about 6 dozen left for sell-outs.  Not that I'll have time to make anything during the week, but I'll try.  Maybe. 

I'm not eating well, but tonight I had a healthy meal, compliments of Shelly who has been helping label everything and take up all the slack.

I'm not sure how I'm going to survive a week-long show, but coffee and fattening food, along with interaction with the public will get me through.

I made a total of 307 travel tins since Wednesday, plus countless soy breakaway melts and sachets.  I plan to display my wedding candles for future orders and have a good time connecting with new local customers.  OK, so off to make more labels and continue with my to-do list. 

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