Hummingbird Cove RV Park
Rio Hondo TX
After our short stay in New Braunfels TX, we headed down to the Rio Grande Valley for the next couple months. It was a time to relax and have some down time before we head out in the spring.
In the evenings, there was always a game at the clubhouse (usually cards) and they had loads of activities almost every day. Field trips and speakers are on the agenda and potlucks were a way to meet other residents. Once in a while there was a fish fry when there was enough fish in the freezer. Everyone brings a dish to share and it's well attended!
During the Christmas holidays, they sponsored a parade of golf carts. Anyone who had a cart was welcomed to participate and many folks did!

These are some of the gifts I received from my daughters.
Peggy, Patricia and their husbands came down for a few days. We went to Hugh Ramsey Nature Park in Harlingen and saw a couple Javelina from our blind!

Burning a field of sugar cane.
It takes over a year for sugar cane to mature in the fields. When they are ready, they post warnings to people who are hiding in the sugar cane fields. When the wind is right, they burn the fields before harvesting. The fire burns off the leaves leaving just the stalk, reducing the amount of manual labor.
Harlingen has excellent medical facilities. I got my new C-PAP which I had gone without for months, Shelly had eye surgery to remove a cataract and also saw an oncologist. There are hospitals, clinics and Dr. offices everywhere. We go to a family clinic in Rio Hondo for checkups and prescriptions. Just so you know.
You have to eat at Chili Willies before you leave! A nice homey place to relax and eat to your heart's content.
See you soon in Rockport TX!