
Showing posts with label finger lakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finger lakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Survived Memorial Day weekend craziness

I've been too busy filling orders to blog this past week, but that's all behind me as I shipped off 3 boxes today and 2 yesterday.  Whew!  But I'm not done, because I have a bride who wants more stuff. 

I took some time off during the weekend of Memorial Day and had a wonderful time.  The weather cooperated beautifully.  Carla, my youngest daughter arrived Friday afternoon, and the rest of the gang got here later that evening from Philadelphia.  We cooked a half turkey on the grill that day, and it was demolished before our eyes!  so good!   The next day we made chicken Spiedies ( a local favorite).

Saturday, most of the gang headed up to Ithaca to shop and hang out.  Others stayed behind to relax in the sun. 

Sunday some of us went to Greenwood Lake and rented a boat.  It was truly great fun!  I was planning to just relax under a tree and read, but at the last minute decided to go out on the boat.  I felt like a kid again. 


 Monday afternoon, everyone left to go back to Philly except Carla, who stayed until Tuesday morning.  That evening, just she and I sat out on the deck chatting and enjoying the night air.  At least until we heard something rattling around in the recycle bins downstairs and we hightailed it back into the house!  We got a report that a bear is in the neighborhood, so we weren't taking any chances. 

 The weekend was stupendous with great food, and even greater relaxation.  I took the day off Tuesday after I took Carla to the bus depot, then it was back to work filling orders on Wednesday.  I just finished up the other day, and spent yesterday packing and printing shipping labels.  Now I need to start working on the garden.  A neighbor roto-tilled it the other day, but it's literally full of rocks.  Oh, what a pain, but I have to get some veggies in the ground soon or I won't have anything to put up this fall!  And I still have flowers to plant, and landscaping to prune and clean up.  So much to do! 

Monday, December 28, 2009

The holidays are over and it's time to start anew

Well, after the Indie Garage Sale in Utica NY, which was a lot of fun and a huge success, I had to scramble to get ready for Christmas.  I had done very little shopping, decorating or baking, so things got pretty hectic.  The Garage sale was tons of fun, even if it was a very long day, not including the 2 hour drive each way. It was great not having to navigate the NYC subways with my bins and hand truck at 6 am.  And I met some great crafty friends that I hope to meet again at future shows.  Now that this is my fulltime gig, I plan to do as many shows as possible in the upcoming year.

A few days before the Garage sale, I took a quick trip to NYC to see Carla in her Lincoln Center Debut at Alice Tully Hall.  While in the city, I had a chance to visit the Union Square Market to see my candles being sold by Re Jin of BaileyDoesntBark.  I enjoyed immensely working with her to create her Jae line of candles.   I'm sure she's still recovering from a month at the market.

Carla's debut was awesome.  She sang a selection of Charles Ives songs and was mentioned in the Times review.   "Mr. Adams’s gentler side was heard in a set of light-textured orchestrations of five Ives songs, sung with an appealingly burnished tone by Carla Jablonski, a mezzo-soprano."  

So on to Christmas and the hub-bub of activity.  I baked way too much stuff, so I'm shipping it out this week with the gifts that no one took with them on buses and planes home.  The girls left on the bus yesterday afternoon, and Ken left this afternoon to fly back to Florida.  His trip up here last week was a nightmare because of the east coast snow storm.  He rebooked, then flights were cancelled, and we even drove to Buffalo to pick him up only to find out that flight was also cancelled.  He ended up spending the night in the Charlotte airport before finally making it up here the next day.

The girls got their Snuggies.

Nina got her jar of pickles


And they went ice skating in Binghamton

And Ken and I took an afternoon trip up to Lake Cayuga, one of the Finger Lakes near Ithaca to take in the sights and walk around in the fresh cold air. 

It was a wonderful Christmas and as much as I looked forward to relaxing after everyone was gone, I feel lonely and listless today.  I miss the bustle of everyone eating, talking, and enjoying each other's company.  But I guess I'm ready to settle in for the long winter days, puttering around here, perusing seed catalogs and planning the year ahead.  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!