
Friday, May 07, 2010

planting, Juilliard trip, mailing list, laundry, newly redesigned website

Well, hello again. The weather has been fine, and during this business downtime, I'm busy working on my yard and planting the shubs and trees I recently bought from the county co-op. That's about 35 bushes and 15 trees plus some perennials. Most have been planted and I'm hoping they survive. I bought Butterfly bushes for along the driveway, American Cranberry bushes to plant along the road and across the yard for privacy, and some shade and native trees.

I also started hanging my clothes outside to dry in the sun. There's really nothing better than the fresh scent of sun-dried clothes!

I'm excited to announce my new website, totally redesigned with an whole new look.  What do you think?  I also started a mailing list for my infrequent newsletter for new products, upcoming shows and general news. By no means will I spam your inbox with useless emails, so don't be scared. I won't be doing regularly scheduled emails right now and will only send an email if I have something important to relay to you.   Sign up for our newsletter
In other news, I made a trip to the city recently to see my daughter perform at Juilliard in Dialogue of the Carmelites.  It was stunning.  And I got the grand tour of Juilliard.

Peter J. Sharp Theater lobby:                                    New wing, staircase
hallway, Drama Dept
Warming up


After show party

Memories, memories, keep them close.  Til next time...

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